Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Flipping Your Thoughts

I want___________ equals the first thought.

They/Them (Thought, Having, Emotional, Madness) say ___________. This equals the second thought.

Let me explain. I tell myself I want love in my life. That’s the first thought. But T.H.E.M. comes along and says no; you don’t deserve love.  That’s the second thought. A thought that is having/experiencing emotional madness.

If we stay focused on the second thought, then we go into “Circular Thought Thinking.” You know that voice that chatters on and on—spinning—inside of our brain.  Sometimes it gets so loud, I’m sure everyone can hear it. So in order to stop those thoughts, the feelings, the fear, we have to eat. We eat to stop the cycle of feelings those thoughts have stirred up inside of us.

We wouldn’t emotionally overeat if we weren’t afraid of our thoughts. Just writing this makes me want to get up from my desk and do something to stop thinking. I’m so afraid of my thoughts the very question makes me want to bolt.

But if I’m afraid of my own thoughts, does that mean I’m afraid of me? You? God? Life?

I know I must deny this urge in me. I tell myself to settle down. Just sit and be with me. Sometimes just sitting and allowing myself to “feel” my thoughts is the most difficult thing I will do today.  If I can commit to not run for just this moment, I can feel my way out to a better feeling, to a thought that holds peace. I tell myself to stop. Just sit and be with me. Go towards that thought that holds peace. Re-connect to my being-ness.

When we’re in this space, we have to learn to flip the thought. Pry it loose with a spatula and get up under it carefully. Need help? Grab a spoon and scoop it out. Treat it gently so it doesn’t break apart. Get yourself into a position where you can hold on to your intention. Focus on the end result.

I know that when I betray myself, my thoughts, I have to eat. And eat. And eat. My message to you is to guard your thoughts and their results. Guard your thoughts like your money. Like your life. Like your loved ones. It’s that important.

The most fundamental law is that of cause and effect. As emotional overeater’s we’re told that it’s the food we put in our mouths that causes the weight gain. It’s our body that creates the problem. But the body can’t create anything without the mind. The cause is the 95% that is on the plate in our mind; the other 5% is the plate of food sitting on the table.  It’s T.H.E.M. that leads us to seek out the nearest fast food restaurant or convenience store to quiet the pot of boiling thoughts inside.

Tell T.H.E.M. that you want your power back; you refuse to let your emotions be hijacked anymore.

Next week: When it’s Okay With You, It’s Okay With Everybody